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Dear Readers / Friends, http://DailyProjectThirukkural.blogspot.com/    By interpreting various meanings for every word in a Thirukkur...

January 25, 2014

Aham Brahmasmi

One thing that I was looking for a long time. Got the verses for it.

Janma karma ca me divyam, evam yo vetti tattvatah, tyaktva deham punar janma

Satya Prabavam, Divya Prakasham, Mantra Swaroopam, Nishkalamkoham, Nijapoorna bodham, Gatya Gadmaham, Nitya Brahmoham, Satya Pramanam, Moola Prameyam, Ayam Brahmasmi, Aham Brahmsami "

The meaning goes like this

Janma karma ca me divyam, evam yo vetti tattvatah, tyaktva deham punar janma
One who knows the transcendental nature of My appearance and activities does not, upon leaving the body, take his birth again in this material world, but attains My eternal abode

Sathya prabaava divya prakaasa manthra swaroopa mathram..
The one who is like the flow of truth. The one who glows with sacred light. The one with the form of the sacred hymns.

Nishprapanchaadhi nishkalankoham nija poorna bodhaham ham..
The one who is beyond the sphere of multiplicity. The one who is beyond all filth (the one who is pure). The one who is the real complete whole.

Gadhya Gadhmaagam Nithya Bramhogam Swapna Kasogamham Ham
The one who is to be seized (by devotees). The one who is ever Brahman (the whole). The one who is present in our dreams.

Sachit Pramanam Om Om Moola Pramegyam Om Om
The one who is the proof of the being and the awareness. The one who is the object of knowledge.

Ayam Bramhasmi Om Om Aham Bramhasmi Om Om
This soul is the Brahman. I am Brahman (Brahman here is the ultimate god who is in everyone and who made everything).

This was utilized in Tamil film Naan Kadavul (both in the Om Sivoham song and in the below dialogue).
For convenience: Splicd Link 

(Tamil Film: Naan Kadavul. Time: 4:25 to 5:50). 


  1. I was looking for the right translation for quite long years. Finally got it. A better version for deeper reach. Thanks. AhamBrahmasmi

  2. can u tell about its real reference please

    1. the first one is from bhagavad gita chapter 4 verse 9
      but unfortunately in the movie dialogue not as it is

    2. Do you know where the rest of slogan comes I tried Google couldn't get it right

    3. The real meaning is, we are the creator of our own life. Because it refers to Brammha. The creator of the life. As we refer us to Bramha, we are the creator of our lives. It means that god is not outside. Its inside us. Its related to Law of attraction. We are the creator of our life. Its obsolutely the true relation to law of attraction.

    4. Bhagvat Geeta ..Janna karma CA me devam

  3. can I get it in telugu

  4. Do you guys who is he.....

    He refers to that one ,he is guy

    Namely moolavar searching him for years and years

  5. Do you guys who is he.....

    He refers to that one ,he is guy

    Namely moolavar searching him for years and years

  6. AUDIO track of " Aham Bramhasmi " ... https://soundcloud.com/krishna-rmm/aham-brahmasmi-naan-kadavul


  8. Seeking universe knowledge and evolution facts... May leads a simple and peaceful life.

  9. The main meaning of this translation is there's god in everyone ( where it is said as "pure" and "truth") the soul which does good deeds(karmas) each and every soul is a god the god is in the transparent form (transcendental) inside (aham) such soul..

  10. At last I found meaning thank you sir

  11. Finally, after 9 years of searching, I have found the translation for those words from the movie. Many thanks! and great work

  12. I think its not Gatya Gadmaham : couldn't find any meaning of it, after listening properly, I listen Pratyek-Aatma-Aham : Every Single Soul is me.

  13. can you please give meaning in tamil?

    1. I don't have the tamil meaning. But if you are interested to know more on நான் கடவுள், you can read the following links



  14. Vanakkam to the co-athmas,when we need the meaning it is sent to us by the pramathma when we are ready.

  15. What is the meaning of ye janma matram na yada thi janma na bhavisyati?

  16. Thanks for the information, was searching the translation for long time

  17. He has neither a name or shape. He is form of truth and light. Beyond perception and can't be confined in any religion.

  18. He lives in one who seeks truth, follower of sathyam and maintain neutrality. Beyond human gunas sathva, rajas and thamasa.
